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Caffeine Mon Amore

Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world. It is widely known for its energizing effects from a substance known as caffeine. It is not the most harmful beverage to consume and in fact has many health benefits, but as with most things moderation is key. Coffee aggravates certain conditions such as stomach ulcers, heartburn, gallstones, arrhythmias and can cause sleep disturbances or migraines.


  • Source of antioxidants to help prevent cell damage.
  • Reduces risk of certain diseases: Type 2 diabetes, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, liver cirrhosis.
  • Coffee has been used to help treat spasmodic asthma.
  • Caffeine and methylxanthine, both found in coffee, are metabolic stimulants, which could be helpful in weight loss.
  • Previously used in enemas to enhance peristalsis (movement in the colon) and cause the release of bile containing fat-soluble toxins.

Problems Associated with Coffee Intake:

  • Excessive use can lead to dependence. Withdrawal symptoms including headaches may develop if you stop drinking it.
  • Decreases the absorption of iron and calcium.
  • Boiled coffee contains compounds that increase LDL cholesterol levels. Filtered and unfiltered coffee raises plasma homocysteine levels; both of which are associated with heart disease.
  • Coffee can contribute to high blood pressure and irregular heartbeats.
  • It is a mild diuretic and can cause dehydration.
  • Excessive consumption of coffee as a stimulant when you should be resting can lead to a worsening of fatigue.
  • If your liver cannot process the caffeine effectively, side effects such as feeling jittery or having an inability to sleep can worsen.
  • If the coffee is not organic then you are increasing your exposure to pesticides.


  1. Saaksjarvi K, Knekt P, et al. Prospective study of coffee consumption and risk of Parkinson’s disease. PubMed
  2. Hu G, Bidel S, Jousilahti P, et al. Coffee and tea consumption and the risk of Parkinson’s disease. PubMed
  3. van Dam RM, Willett WC, et al. Coffee, caffeine, and risk of type 2 diabetes: a prospective cohort study in younger and middle-aged U.S. women. Diabetes Care. PubMed
  4. Leitzmann MF, Stampfer MJ, et al. Coffee intake is associated with lower risk of symptomatic gallstone disease in women. Gastroenterology. PubMed
  5. Arendash GW, Schleif W, et al. Caffeine protects Alzheimer’s mice against cognitive impairment and reduces brain beta-amyloid production. Neuroscience. PubMed
  6. Urgert R, Essed N, et al. Separate effects of the coffee diterpenes cafestol and kahweol on serum lipids and liver aminotransferases. PubMed
  7. Urgert R, Weusten-van der Wouw MP, et al. Chronic consumers of boiled coffee have elevated serum levels of lipoprotein(a). PubMed
  8. Winkelmayer WC, Stampfer MJ, et al. Habitual caffeine intake and the risk of hypertension in women. PubMed
  9. Hallstrom H, Wolk A, et al. Coffee, tea and caffeine consumption in relation to osteoporotic fracture risk in a cohort of Swedish women. PubMed
  10. Wu, Jiang-nan; Ho, Suzanne C; et al. (2009). “Coffee consumption and risk of coronary heart diseases: A meta-analysis of 21 prospective cohort studies”. International Journal of Cardiology 137 (3): 216–25. doi:10.1016/j.ijcard.2008.06.051. PMID 18707777.
  11. Mol Nutr Food Res. 2010 Dec; 54(12):1734-43. doi: 10.1002/mnfr.201000147. Antioxidant effectiveness of coffee extracts and selected constituents in cell-free systems and human colon cell lines. Bakuradze T, Lang R, et al. Department of Chemistry, Division of Food Chemistry and Toxicology, University of Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern, Germany.
  12. Hepatology. 2010 Nov; 52(5):1652-61.Coffee reduces liver damage in a rat model of steatohepatitis: the underlying mechanisms and the role of polyphenols and melanoidins.
  13. Vitaglione P, Morisco F, et al. Department of Food Science, University of Napoli Federico II, Portici, Italy.
  14. Mol Nutr Food Res. 2010 Dec;54(12):1722-33. doi: 10.1002/mnfr.201000048. Instant coffee with high chlorogenic acid levels protects humans against oxidative damage of macromolecules.
  15. Hoelzl C, Knasmüller S, et al. Department of Medicine I, Institute of Cancer Research, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
  16. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2010 Jan 20;(1):CD001112. Caffeine for asthma. Welsh EJ, Bara A, et al. Community Health Sciences, St George’s, University of London, Cranmer Terrace, London, UK, SW17 0RE.
  17. Textbook of Natural Medicine. Pizzorno and Murray 2nd ed. Churchhill Livingston