Microorganisms are a constant threat to our bodies, well-being, energy and vitality. Viruses, bacteria, mold and fungi can steal nutrients and force the body to use up resources to fight the infection and deal with the toxins released by the damaged infected tissue.
The M.E.T. or Microorganism Elimination Technique utilizes muscle testing or electrodermal testing, to detect the possible presence of specific pathogens/microorganisms. These foreign microbes may presently be the “causal factors” for compromised immune systems, preventing individuals from achieving optimal health.
This therapy helps to energetically identify the suspected microorganism(s) and direct the immune system to attack it. Once neutralized, the immune response is reset, preventing any further attack on the remaining healthy tissue.
How is M.E.T. Performed?
An M.E.T. session takes approximately 15 minutes to complete. The frequency of the treatments depends on the vitality of the individual, the severity of the pathology and the stealth capability of the microorganism.
The practitioner places a vial (containing the electromagnetic signature of a microorganism) in one hand and uses muscle testing on the other arm to evaluate the strength and weakness of the muscle. Once it is determined which microorganisms are possibly causing the body a problem, acupressure is then applied to attune the immune response to the electromagnetic dynamics of a specific microorganism.
A dietary adjustment of NO sugar or food with high sugar content is required for approximately 12 hours after the treatment.
What is a Microorganism?
A microorganism is a bacteria, parasite, virus, mold or fungus that contains an energetic signature or biological marker that the immune system identifies as foreign. This means it does not have the same markers as healthy cells. When foreign cells or materials are identified, the body sends signals to the immune system to attack the area where the foreign substance exists, waging a war. Joint pain in arthritis, for instance, can be as a result of the body identifying a microorganism as an invader and the immune system then wages war on that microorganism.
Regrettably, when this war takes place, the immune system will not only attack the foreign invader, it attacks the healthy tissues in that area as well. After this attack on the tissue, the body is weakened and left to repair the damage from the attack. Unfortunately, this well-intentioned process may not actually destroy the microorganism. When under attack, some microorganisms with stealth capabilities retreat back into other tissues and other areas of the body, so that only a small amount of the foreign microbe could be eliminated. This process takes time, with each treatment it is similar to giving the scent to a hunting dog (immune system). After the microorganism is cleared, we then have to stop the immune system from waging war on other tissues by mistake.
Stealth Microorganisms
In chronic infections, the microorganism evades the immune system by several means. First of all it hides, typically in the areas of poor circulation (caused by heavy metals and chemicals). Secondly, the microorganism learns how to dominate the host’s behaviour and immune system. Thirdly, the microorganism creates a better breeding ground for itself by producing peptides and other informational substances that create acidity and toxicity. This decreases the circulation lowering the temperature to benefit the microorganism and discouraging the immune system from accessing the infected area.
There are many other mechanisms that microorganisms use to maintain their stealth capability. Ultimately, a microorganism’s primary goal is self-preservation. When western science cannot detect these microorganisms in infected tissues, the corresponding diseases are wrongly labeled as being autoimmune diseases. This is where the body attacks itself. In coronary heart disease and stroke, microorganisms have been identified as being the suspected cause. These include: herpes viruses, chlamydia, h. pylori, strep, nanobacteria and salmonella. In Multiple Sclerosis they have identified herpes virus 6, mycoplasmas, borrelia and cytomegalovirus. In osteoarthritis, they have identified mycoplasmas and chlamydia. In Parkinson’s disease, mycoplasmas, borrelia, chlamydia and herpes viruses. In ALS or Lou Gerhig’s disease, mycoplasmas, borrelia, herpes simplex 1 and 2, cytomegalovirus and human herpes virus 6. Cancer is often caused by a combination of numerous viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites.
Toning Down the Immune System
After the stealth microorganism is eliminated, the immune system may still be sending continual attacks on the healthy tissues and the surrounding areas. Due to the stealth capability of the microorganism the immune system does not know when it has won the battle. This attack causes a breakdown of the healthy tissues. The repair of these tissues requires proper nutrition. Without proper nutrition, the body cannot effectively repair the damage and this attack can ultimately cause internal scaring and possibly chronic pain. M.E.T. puts a stop to the continuous attack on the healthy tissues after it has specifically pinpointed the foreign invader and destroyed it.
Note: If you have a severe pathology, continuing with the M.E.T. treatment is strongly recommended once the microorganism is gone. Otherwise you may experience severe pain due to the immune system’s assault on healthy tissues.
How are Microorganisms treated?
Using muscle testing has allowed us to identify microbes possibly responsible for causing various disorders and diseases. The foundation of the treatment is to first alert the immune system, then to deactivate the microorganism and if necessary interrupt the pattern of pain sequences throughout the body. The process may need to isolate the different phases and levels of a microorganism in order to re-educate the autonomic system to most effectively repair damaged portions of the body.
Why Muscle Testing?
Muscle testing is used to energetically assess if an electromagnetic signature of a microorganism is involved in a health problem. From a strictly scientific perspective tissue biopsies, cultures and several other tests would need to be performed to locate a microorganism. Therefore this process could amount to hundreds, if not thousands of dollars in costs, not to mention irreparable damage done to the body due to the biopsy. Modern medicine cannot detect these microorganisms without very expensive lab tests. When we find a microorganism’s electromagnetic signature, this does not mean you have an infection. It also does not mean that you do not. However, we have noticed that by clearing these electromagnetic signatures people’s health significantly improves.
M.E.T. is used in Virtually any Disease for Patients of any Age
The more severe the pathology and the longer the pathology has persisted, the more treatments are needed. In addition to arthritis, M.E.T. can be used on medical diagnoses of Lupus, Fibromyalgia, early stages of M.S., Crohn’s disease, colitis and autoimmune disorders. We have used it to treat cancer and heart diseases as well with variable results.
Other therapies that may need to be performed in conjunction with M.E.T. to target stealth microorganisms include: IV ozone, chelation IV vitamins and minerals and E.A.T. The Eliminate Allergy Technique can electromagnetically reprogram the body to turn off extreme immune responses and then achieve maximum absorption of nutrients required to attain optimal health.
Other factors that may hinder the success of M.E.T. in getting results include: stress, weak or diseased organs, heavy metals, hormonal imbalance, drugs, chemicals, diet, food allergies, circulation, toxic emotions, subconscious emotions, weather conditions, environmental allergies and lack of exercise.
Microorganism Elimination Technique (M.E.T.)
Last Updated: April 7, 2021 by mprytula · Leave a Comment
Microorganisms are a constant threat to our bodies, well-being, energy and vitality. Viruses, bacteria, mold and fungi can steal nutrients and force the body to use up resources to fight the infection and deal with the toxins released by the damaged infected tissue.
The M.E.T. or Microorganism Elimination Technique utilizes muscle testing or electrodermal testing, to detect the possible presence of specific pathogens/microorganisms. These foreign microbes may presently be the “causal factors” for compromised immune systems, preventing individuals from achieving optimal health.
This therapy helps to energetically identify the suspected microorganism(s) and direct the immune system to attack it. Once neutralized, the immune response is reset, preventing any further attack on the remaining healthy tissue.
How is M.E.T. Performed?
An M.E.T. session takes approximately 15 minutes to complete. The frequency of the treatments depends on the vitality of the individual, the severity of the pathology and the stealth capability of the microorganism.
The practitioner places a vial (containing the electromagnetic signature of a microorganism) in one hand and uses muscle testing on the other arm to evaluate the strength and weakness of the muscle. Once it is determined which microorganisms are possibly causing the body a problem, acupressure is then applied to attune the immune response to the electromagnetic dynamics of a specific microorganism.
A dietary adjustment of NO sugar or food with high sugar content is required for approximately 12 hours after the treatment.
What is a Microorganism?
A microorganism is a bacteria, parasite, virus, mold or fungus that contains an energetic signature or biological marker that the immune system identifies as foreign. This means it does not have the same markers as healthy cells. When foreign cells or materials are identified, the body sends signals to the immune system to attack the area where the foreign substance exists, waging a war. Joint pain in arthritis, for instance, can be as a result of the body identifying a microorganism as an invader and the immune system then wages war on that microorganism.
Regrettably, when this war takes place, the immune system will not only attack the foreign invader, it attacks the healthy tissues in that area as well. After this attack on the tissue, the body is weakened and left to repair the damage from the attack. Unfortunately, this well-intentioned process may not actually destroy the microorganism. When under attack, some microorganisms with stealth capabilities retreat back into other tissues and other areas of the body, so that only a small amount of the foreign microbe could be eliminated. This process takes time, with each treatment it is similar to giving the scent to a hunting dog (immune system). After the microorganism is cleared, we then have to stop the immune system from waging war on other tissues by mistake.
Stealth Microorganisms
In chronic infections, the microorganism evades the immune system by several means. First of all it hides, typically in the areas of poor circulation (caused by heavy metals and chemicals). Secondly, the microorganism learns how to dominate the host’s behaviour and immune system. Thirdly, the microorganism creates a better breeding ground for itself by producing peptides and other informational substances that create acidity and toxicity. This decreases the circulation lowering the temperature to benefit the microorganism and discouraging the immune system from accessing the infected area.
There are many other mechanisms that microorganisms use to maintain their stealth capability. Ultimately, a microorganism’s primary goal is self-preservation. When western science cannot detect these microorganisms in infected tissues, the corresponding diseases are wrongly labeled as being autoimmune diseases. This is where the body attacks itself. In coronary heart disease and stroke, microorganisms have been identified as being the suspected cause. These include: herpes viruses, chlamydia, h. pylori, strep, nanobacteria and salmonella. In Multiple Sclerosis they have identified herpes virus 6, mycoplasmas, borrelia and cytomegalovirus. In osteoarthritis, they have identified mycoplasmas and chlamydia. In Parkinson’s disease, mycoplasmas, borrelia, chlamydia and herpes viruses. In ALS or Lou Gerhig’s disease, mycoplasmas, borrelia, herpes simplex 1 and 2, cytomegalovirus and human herpes virus 6. Cancer is often caused by a combination of numerous viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites.
Toning Down the Immune System
After the stealth microorganism is eliminated, the immune system may still be sending continual attacks on the healthy tissues and the surrounding areas. Due to the stealth capability of the microorganism the immune system does not know when it has won the battle. This attack causes a breakdown of the healthy tissues. The repair of these tissues requires proper nutrition. Without proper nutrition, the body cannot effectively repair the damage and this attack can ultimately cause internal scaring and possibly chronic pain. M.E.T. puts a stop to the continuous attack on the healthy tissues after it has specifically pinpointed the foreign invader and destroyed it.
Note: If you have a severe pathology, continuing with the M.E.T. treatment is strongly recommended once the microorganism is gone. Otherwise you may experience severe pain due to the immune system’s assault on healthy tissues.
How are Microorganisms treated?
Using muscle testing has allowed us to identify microbes possibly responsible for causing various disorders and diseases. The foundation of the treatment is to first alert the immune system, then to deactivate the microorganism and if necessary interrupt the pattern of pain sequences throughout the body. The process may need to isolate the different phases and levels of a microorganism in order to re-educate the autonomic system to most effectively repair damaged portions of the body.
Why Muscle Testing?
Muscle testing is used to energetically assess if an electromagnetic signature of a microorganism is involved in a health problem. From a strictly scientific perspective tissue biopsies, cultures and several other tests would need to be performed to locate a microorganism. Therefore this process could amount to hundreds, if not thousands of dollars in costs, not to mention irreparable damage done to the body due to the biopsy. Modern medicine cannot detect these microorganisms without very expensive lab tests. When we find a microorganism’s electromagnetic signature, this does not mean you have an infection. It also does not mean that you do not. However, we have noticed that by clearing these electromagnetic signatures people’s health significantly improves.
M.E.T. is used in Virtually any Disease for Patients of any Age
The more severe the pathology and the longer the pathology has persisted, the more treatments are needed. In addition to arthritis, M.E.T. can be used on medical diagnoses of Lupus, Fibromyalgia, early stages of M.S., Crohn’s disease, colitis and autoimmune disorders. We have used it to treat cancer and heart diseases as well with variable results.
Other therapies that may need to be performed in conjunction with M.E.T. to target stealth microorganisms include: IV ozone, chelation IV vitamins and minerals and E.A.T. The Eliminate Allergy Technique can electromagnetically reprogram the body to turn off extreme immune responses and then achieve maximum absorption of nutrients required to attain optimal health.
Other factors that may hinder the success of M.E.T. in getting results include: stress, weak or diseased organs, heavy metals, hormonal imbalance, drugs, chemicals, diet, food allergies, circulation, toxic emotions, subconscious emotions, weather conditions, environmental allergies and lack of exercise.
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