Laboratory tests often require a sample of your blood, urine or body tissue, to help determine what you may be at risk for, diagnose or rule out a disease, monitor particular chemistries in your body and track progress of treatments. Below is a list of some standard and some additional comprehensive tests to help explain what these tests are and what they could indicate.
Please contact our office for a list of standard and additional comprehensive tests to help explain what these tests are and what they could indicate.
At Nature Medicine we can provide requisitions for labs in Ontario, however, please note that they are not covered by OHIP or private health insurance providers.
What do Labs Mean?
Last Updated: July 24, 2018 by mprytula · Leave a Comment
Laboratory tests often require a sample of your blood, urine or body tissue, to help determine what you may be at risk for, diagnose or rule out a disease, monitor particular chemistries in your body and track progress of treatments. Below is a list of some standard and some additional comprehensive tests to help explain what these tests are and what they could indicate.
Please contact our office for a list of standard and additional comprehensive tests to help explain what these tests are and what they could indicate.
At Nature Medicine we can provide requisitions for labs in Ontario, however, please note that they are not covered by OHIP or private health insurance providers.
Categories Disease Causing Factors: Body
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