Nutrient Essentials
Vitamins are organic substances that your body needs for normal growth and development. They are necessary for health, general well-being and vitality. There are 13 essential vitamins required by your body that can be classified into two categories, fat soluble and water soluble. Fat soluble vitamins, A, D, E, and K, dissolve in fat and can be stored in the body for longer periods than water-soluble vitamins. Water soluble vitamins, C and the B vitamins, need to dissolve in water before being absorbed by the body. Any water soluble vitamin that cannot be stored passes through the urinary system and is lost. A fresh supply of these vitamins is therefore required daily. We have found that a lot of people have vitamin deficiencies. Interestingly, the greatest cause of these has not been from lack of exposure, but actually from sensitivity to the vitamin. These sensitivities can result in poor absorption, decreased energy, poor memory, headaches and multiple allergies. The Eliminate Allergy Technique (EAT) is an effective treatment for removing sensitivities (please refer to EAT for more information).
Minerals are inorganic micronutrients required by the body to function optimally. There are 16 essential minerals that must be supplied by our diets. These minerals are divided into two groups: major and trace minerals. Major minerals, like calcium, chloride, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and sulfur, are found in our body in amounts larger than 5 grams. Trace minerals, like chromium, copper, fluoride, iodine, iron, manganese, selenium and zinc, are found in our body in amounts less than 5 grams. Below is a list of important information about certain minerals that more commonly appear to be deficient in the population.
Numerous people are deficient in nutrients. The greatest cause has not been from lack of exposure but actually from sensitivity to the mineral. These sensitivities can result in poor absorption, decreased energy, poor memory, headaches and multiple allergies. The Elimination Allergy Technique is an effective treatment for removing sensitivities (please refer to EAT for more information). Multi-mineral sensitivity can also occur from excess exposure to certain minerals (magnesium, zinc, selenium etc.) and mineral deficiencies from heavy metal accumulation (please refer to Heavy Metals for more information).
- Gaby, AR. Nutritional Medicine. Concord, NH: Fritz Perlberg Publishing, 2011.
- Haas, E.M. “Staying Healthy With Nutrition: The Complete Guide to Diet and Nutritional Medicine.” (2006)
- Whitney, EN, CB Cataldo, and SR Rolfes. Understanding Normal and Clinical Nutrition. 6th ed., Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, 2002.
Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies
Last Updated: July 24, 2018 by mprytula · Leave a Comment
Nutrient Essentials
Vitamins are organic substances that your body needs for normal growth and development. They are necessary for health, general well-being and vitality. There are 13 essential vitamins required by your body that can be classified into two categories, fat soluble and water soluble. Fat soluble vitamins, A, D, E, and K, dissolve in fat and can be stored in the body for longer periods than water-soluble vitamins. Water soluble vitamins, C and the B vitamins, need to dissolve in water before being absorbed by the body. Any water soluble vitamin that cannot be stored passes through the urinary system and is lost. A fresh supply of these vitamins is therefore required daily. We have found that a lot of people have vitamin deficiencies. Interestingly, the greatest cause of these has not been from lack of exposure, but actually from sensitivity to the vitamin. These sensitivities can result in poor absorption, decreased energy, poor memory, headaches and multiple allergies. The Eliminate Allergy Technique (EAT) is an effective treatment for removing sensitivities (please refer to EAT for more information).
Minerals are inorganic micronutrients required by the body to function optimally. There are 16 essential minerals that must be supplied by our diets. These minerals are divided into two groups: major and trace minerals. Major minerals, like calcium, chloride, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and sulfur, are found in our body in amounts larger than 5 grams. Trace minerals, like chromium, copper, fluoride, iodine, iron, manganese, selenium and zinc, are found in our body in amounts less than 5 grams. Below is a list of important information about certain minerals that more commonly appear to be deficient in the population.
Numerous people are deficient in nutrients. The greatest cause has not been from lack of exposure but actually from sensitivity to the mineral. These sensitivities can result in poor absorption, decreased energy, poor memory, headaches and multiple allergies. The Elimination Allergy Technique is an effective treatment for removing sensitivities (please refer to EAT for more information). Multi-mineral sensitivity can also occur from excess exposure to certain minerals (magnesium, zinc, selenium etc.) and mineral deficiencies from heavy metal accumulation (please refer to Heavy Metals for more information).
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